Proiect Doctori Fara Frontiere
Venim in sprijinul tinerilor care se implica in proiecte de caritate si care incearca sa ajute pe cei defavorizati sau cu probleme de sanatate. Arina Lazar este o astfel de tanara activa in acest domeniu. Organizatia Doctori fara Frontiere care este activa si in Romania va beneficia de aceasta campanie. Duminica, 2 Februarie dupa slujba vom avea la Biserica bake sale pentru strangere de fonduri. Fiecare este indemnat sa contribuie cu cat poate iar noi va multumim anticipat pentru contributia voastra. Iata textul oficial al acestui apel:
This year I am participating in The War of the Roses, a competition at my University. The War of the Roses is a month-long fundraising and awareness competition for the Ability Experience. The mission of the Ability Experience is for undergraduate chapters across the country to establish volunteer relationships with local facilities that serve people with disabilities, in conjunction with fundraising on campus and in their local communities for the programs of the Ability Experience.
My mission is to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities as well as redefining the role of college women. During the competition, I am representing the MSF club, also known as Doctors without Borders. MSF is an international association that consist of doctors and health sector workers. It is also open to other professions that help in achieve its aims! MSF serves in 74 countries and has served in Romania for more than 5 years!
All donations given to me will automatically be given to Pi Kappa Phi to be sent to the Ability Experience. If I am the contestant who sends in the most donations, MSF headquarters will receive a check which will go to purchasing more medical supplies for doctors serving in third world countries! Overall your donations will benefit the Ability Experience, as well as Doctors without Borders!